Chinese New Year (CNY) has always been quiet while in the US. My first year I had potluck with some Malaysian, but that was just it. My second year was worse, didn't do anything except struggling to finish up assignments. This year however, was awesome! The summer internship of bookselling gave me the opportunity to celebrate CNY in Dallas, Texas. The organization flew me in from Chicago. They even booked me into a hotel for the night in Chicago to catch the early flight the next day.
As I touched down in Dallas, I was picked up by Woei Hsian who then drove me to lunch where I met all my bookselling buddies! Then off to Double Tree hotel where we had a meeting about opportunities of returning to the bookselling field this year. Boring stuff *ahem*

Got ready for dinner and headed to Tokyo One Japanese Restaurant. I've actually been to that restaurant last year when I was in Dallas. It was a great restaurant. Food was good, atmosphere was good, and most importantly the company of friends and so many Malaysians together was good. In the spirit of
muhibah, and the CNY spirits high, our stomachs filled and faces gleaming, we bode farewell to some of our pals who had to leave that night as they had to drive back and get their own share of school work done.

The next day we checked out from the hotel and headed to Kirin Dim Sum restaurant. Had to wait an hour just to get a place to sit as our group of about 15 people proved challenging for the staff to prepare. When we got in, it was gobble time all the way. It has been a long time since I had good dim sum (even in M'sia i forgot to savour it). But the best part was when Kenny reached for his pocket only to pull out a stack full of Ang-Paos for everyone!

It was perfect timing at its best as Kenny just tied the knot just last November! Gosh, how long has it been since I got my last ang-pao... *gleam*

After that, had a short meeting with Woei Hsian about what my plans and feeling towards coming back for another bookselling summer. At this moment I'm like,
not again... we've done this conversation before la... if wanna brainwash me, you are doing a good job at it but I have my own shield also okay...
Stayed at Woei Hsian's place. His sis cooked porridge and some simple dishes which was my favorite! I always loved simple home cooked food! But best of all, was porridge with BOVRIL!!!
Luv it!
Woke the next morning and headed to the airport for my flight to Chicago. As I touched down at Chicago, I faced a challenge of getting back to Purdue. There weren't any ground transport that goes to West Lafayette directly except taxis that will cost a bomb! A guy approached me and asked where I was going. I told him my situation and I ended up deciding to go to O'hare airport instead to try to catch the coach that goes to Purdue. On the way, I called a few friends back on campus to check for me the schedule of the coaches.

They told me that the next servicve will be at 8:30pm!!! I was like,
holy shit! But Su-Chuen and Darcy agreed to pick me up in Chicago with my car after 4pm. I agreed and stopped at the nearest train station to get a train to downtown Chicago. At Chicago, for the first time in my life, I GOT LOST! I am usually very map savvy but the map that I got and the street positions just seem to confuse me! Being city savvy that I am, I lugged my luggage, ask a police for directions and ended up at the City Info Center. Headed to Bennigan's across the Art Institute for a sumptious lunch, then headed to the library to catch up with my
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.
Off to Chinatown to meet Darcy and Su-Chuen and drove back to Purdue.
Dead tired but totally satisfied!