First Review
WARNING: If you think life's too short and there's so much to do, don't read on! Read on only if you think life is boring and time is not of essence, coz you know why? This is my first attempt to write an item review that probably has no significant relevance to the updates of my life except how boring it is while taking away 5 minutes (10 minutes if you don't know Engrish) of you life.
I recently bought a book light. What's a book light you may ask? Well, its a pretty innovative torchlight that actually clips onto a book and shines on the pages you are reading. It turns on automatically when you twist open (like an open clam) the light lever to a certain angle. To turn it off, you just need to twist/clamp it. This one I bought at Walmart for about $7.00 only to be returned a week later. Let me tell you why...
First of all it is bulky. It requires 4 AA batteries and that itself tells you that it is a power hogging contraption. The bulb is what I think a magnesium bulb (the type used in flash lights in your camera) as it is small and thin yet producing a pretty high power for a small guy. From the picture here, I used a hardcover book so it sits quite well. However, I would defer if it was a paperback book, even worse a small paperback book! The weight will probably rip the cover off!
Getting bored...? Good. There's more!
I mentioned that it might use a magnesium bulb. As powerful the bulb may be, it is not enough to luminate the pages of my book. Look how the lower part of my book is barely visible? It may still be readable, unless you want to spoil your eyes and get glasses like me when I took for granted that never in my life will I wear glasses because I thought I had super eye powers! I guess not.
What this product could have improved on is by adding two light bulbs that focuses on different parts of the page.
Finally, it costs too much. For such a cheapish contraption, I bet you could have got it from your local pasar malam for 5 Ringgit. The company is probably just cashing in on this innovation. No wonder it didn't sell well and I was foolish enough to buy it. What to do... last minute shopping for things to bring back Malaysia during winter break mah.
To sum it all, if you don't have a reading light and the room light switch is too far for you to get out of your already comfortable bed position, and that you always buy hard covered books, this might not be a bad item after all. But if you're an innovator like me *ahem*, you'd throw this item out of the window (or just return it) and design a lighter, brighter and cuter book light.
Yea, I never believe in book lights...never live up to my expectations, but now that you're gonna design one, can give me one ar?
Anyway...Gong Xi, Gong Xi. Happy Chinese New Year~
LOL... can you dont be so SILLY to use a BOOK LIGHT... penipu punya lar..
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