
Surrender to one's little world. Where he transcends and shape greatness. This world is mine. You will not be compromised because you don't have to be. You are at Sean's Zone. I'm Z-ONE. Spread the word.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Four-Eyed Poser

Being the vain pot that I am, I couldn't resist showing off my new set of glasses. Yes people, I am now wearing glasses because I'm getting blind! No kidding, I tested my eyes and I'm actually short-sighted, more on the left-eye. I measure (is that the correct word) 75 on my left eye and 25 on my right eye. To some this is actually very low power, but I'm actually finding it difficult to admire the lecturer's face not to mention appreciate the work of art on the chalk-board. Yeah, maybe it looks fashionable, but hey, I don't like wearing it as much as Harry Potter. But seriously, I get the headaches and dizzyness whenever I wear them, probably because I'm not used to it. Either way, I never knew that the world looked so sharp! Things that I couldn't see from afar I can now see clearly. Imagine that!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey SEAN.. 550....too much lar.. come to my me.. less than half of what you paid...muahahaha...
coz i have two pairs and it cost me less than 500 ... think about that next time... jz kidding..

Sunday, January 22, 2006 4:49:00 PM  

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