Club away the blues...
Let’s just say I lost my “clubbing virginity” in the summer of 2004. The first time was with Kenrick, Rachel and her cousins & co. at Atmosphere KL. It was… powerful! Never felt so much energy pounding my heart (probably because of the strong base from the speakers). This time round, I did not miss the opportunity to club again after being stranded in the forsaken land of West Lafayette! 3 nights straight… and RM300 poorer… But I guess it was worth it… somewhat. I knew I had to party and go nuts after being pretentiously civilized on campus. I also found out that I love the oldies! Well, not to say oldies as in the Golden oldies… but oldies as in old-school 80’s and 90’s with a touch of modern beats (remix).
Its ironic how many times I like to judge people when I was young, but now I’m being judged just because of keeping up with social trends. Then again, who are people to judge? What about being different? Why keep up with social trends? When did my rebellious attitude of diverting from social norms succumb to “trend”?
I guess I’ve come to a point where I’ve stepped to ponder and live with the complexities of society. Oh well, may as well club away the pain…
FYI, I’m still in bloody Narita Airport!
(P.S This message was written while in Narita Airport without internet connection. Therefore I wrote it in MS Word temporarily before posting it when I get the chance to get online)
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