An article on Reader's Digest has suggested Kuala Lumpur (KL) of Malaysia as the third rudest country in the world in a survey conducted in 35 major cities where Reader's Digest is published! The most polite country goes to shocking but well deserved New York City!
I for one am not surprised that Malaysians to be considered rude.
The New Straits Times followed up with this report and KL-lites agree too. But to those who beg to differ, here is my counter comment...
Yes, Malaysians can generally be friendly people only if we know that certain someone. The teritorial instinct among Asians is alive and that can be seen in, well, our own piece of territory. Have you ever seen a property go unfenced in KL? Back to the topic, being friendly is totally different to being polite, and most importantly in part of the survey, being courteous. The survey judges politeness more on the courteous side. For example, does one hold the door for the next person to enter, will someone help pick-up a bunch of documents a person accidentally drop, or does the person behind the counter give a genuine smile and thank you to the customer? I for one, would never imagine that happening in KL; or at least I've not experienced it. You see, Malaysians are also a bunch of shy people, enclosed in their own circle of known people, and everyone else are outcasts. The freedom of expression (of course in a positive manner) doesn't come noticed.
I've visited New York City 3 times now, and everytime I go to this bustling and thriving city known for its
your-business-is-not-my-business attitude is none prevalent to a big extent. Just stand still and look at your map, and someone will stop and ask you if you need help for directions. Street performers are amazingly polite and entertaining and I believe is what makes New York a lively city. Everyone always start with "Hello, how are you doing today?" which looks like a genuine caring intention but I realized it's just an automatic startup communication connection dialog. If you say, "It's alright", then they'll just go on with their job. But if you really answer that question like "It was a pretty busy day for me", then that sparks a whole friendly conversation. Amazing isn't it?!
Anyway, back to KL's case, there is an aura of fear and exclusiveness that needs to be lifted. The new generation of KL youth is in the forefront of making changes that what would be considered a new civilization. Even Singapore doesn't have that and I know with proper nurturing, Malaysia really has what it takes to be up there as the most polite (and I really mean COURTEOUS) people in the world! Our humility has always set us apart from other cultures and that could be the very essence of a nice city to live in not because of tall buildings, fancy shops and restaurants, but because of the people. If all of Malaysians could emulate the recognition of Malaysia Airlines' cabin staff as the best in the world for so many years, it could pull us up and create a chain reaction to set KL and Malaysia as a whole as the best place to be! And I'm not saying this just to see KL at the top of the rankings, but for our own sake!
Buck up people! You know you can do better! I believe in Karma, and you are responsible for your actions and outcomes. Our parents always told us to be polite and courteous people. Why not heed their advice for once! Throw your pathetic self-naturedness for once and be a person, and a civilized one at that!
I know many will strongly differ in my views in some details. You might even say I am ironical in some of the actions I do to those who know me. But I am trying to change for the better and you should too. It is human nature to wail at our undercomings; dedicate one day of being nice (and courteous) for a start and lets see how your world look so much brighter and a nice place to be.
This post has totally gone too long but there's a reason for it. I AM EMBARRASED TO SEE THOSE
Tonight's Dinner:
Shrimp in Fried Egg, some sort of stir-fry chicken, and best of all Roast Pork (char-siew)!!!