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Thursday, June 15, 2006

Phelps Media Showdown

I am OUTRAGED!!! Rev. Fred Phelps is probably the most abominable person I've ever known. As what an article in Time magazine calls him "an attention-crazed fanatic based in Topeka, who has logged 15 years as a kind of paleo-fundamentalist (Sean: whatever that means...), gay-baiting performance artist". You see this guy goes to funerals to protest. Protest who and what? Not sure... But he claims that 9/11 and the dead soldiers are all justified acts of God, and he and his church (consists of his own family members) are thanking God for it!!!

At this point I'm turning sick to actually hear that! Apart from that he is of course loathing gays, AIDS, Iraq, IEDs and so on... but mainly he is thanking God for all the disasters and civil matters because we deserve it. Okay, think whatever you want to think. I can understand why some can think like that. But keep your thoughts to yourselves and not smug it in other people's funeral! It is an extremely difficult and sad moment to actually be at a funeral of someone very close to you. That sadness is should dissipate on its own without interruption. With what Phelps is doing is turning sadness into anger and rage! What a bunch of devils!

A group of Harley Davidson riders known as the Patriot Guard riders loath Phelps and his agenda and they basically follow their mass to wherever dead soldier's funeral and guard the procession by revying up their bikes to swallow the disturbing protest sound. Words seem to fail me as I'm not sure I can classify what those idiots (Phelps) are doing be considered protests in the first place because they are more like stirring up a ruckus.

Anyway, this issue has caught national attention and I first knew about it when it was mentioned in Time magazine. The following videos are best watched in sequence (and with a glass of wine) for the full impact ...

Wow, I've never seen the media attack any person being interviewed before...

Okay, Phelps has its supporters...

But if you think the first video was interesting, take a look at this one:

And finally...

I hope that van eventually crashed.

In a way, this issue has actually opened doors for America to support gays, and totally redefined the meaning of Freedom of Speech. And if there's one small thing I agree with Phelps is that America is doomed!


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