Its that time where I tell you whats going on in my life... Well, I'm happy to say that I have finally GRADUATED!!! For the love of God for those who still don't know what I graduated from, I now officially have a Bachellor of Science Degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering.
I don't have any concrete plans but I am now working for my professor as a Research Assistant over the summer. In the mean time I will try to find a job i desperately need and also prepare for the GRE Exams (you need to take this exam to go for a masters degree). However, I don't plan to take Masters unless I get financial aid. I have been scrunching on my family's account too much and I think its high time I produce my own money.

Yeah, it feels good to graduate.

However, thinking that my life did not end but in fact just started is a daunting thought.
Should I have been working harder during my academic career?
Played less?
These are thoughts that run through my mind whenever I feel pointless in the situation that I still don't have a job.
Nevertheless I am contented with my achievements.
Because I am faithful that things will turn out for the better.
One by one, we go our seperate ways not knowing what we may face, but I hope one day we will meet again.
hello~~~~!!! graduated edi and not a personal email to share ur excitement??! how could u?? i'm wounded *pout* hehe...
anyhow, CONGRATS!!! i see u've been partying hard since earning ur degree :P wat's gonna be the next step in life now?
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