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Wednesday, March 08, 2006

G-force X

There's a new attraction in KL and I wish I could be there to experience it.

Apparently human beings just love to get high, literally! G-Force X is situated at the base of KL tower and it is a reverse bungy, something like a slingshot. It claims to reach 120km/hr in only two bloody seconds! I think its comparable to the Dragster I sat in Cedar Point.

The company that brought this attraction is AJ Hackett (never heard of them, but then again, put in a foreign name and it will be successful in Malaysia I guess). Seems like its not operated by Malaysians so I guess I'm willful to try it out without too much safety concerns!

I heard there's something very similar that Singapore setup at Clark Quay a few years back. But the one at the base of KL Tower is the tallest and fastest in Asia. I'm not too excited about the video clip on it though... Its just too stupid. Newspapers should strictly report news in the newspaper, and any attempt by The Star to go newscasting on video is futile and degrading. *sheesh*

Anyone who tries the G-Force-X do tell me about it ya! That is... if you come out in one piece!


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