Ashita Ga Aru
This is going to my favorite archive for the most motivating and hilarious video of all time!
Surrender to one's little world. Where he transcends and shape greatness. This world is mine. You will not be compromised because you don't have to be. You are at Sean's Zone. I'm Z-ONE. Spread the word.
This is going to my favorite archive for the most motivating and hilarious video of all time!
I'm back from Miami to which is probably my last Spring Break in my academic career. How was it? It wuz da Bomb!
Now that I'm back to school, it's back to work and stress so I can't really post the happenings I did right now. However, I'm compiling everything together and creating a special webpage for this event which I hope to finish soon. So check out this page in about 1 month (I'm honest with my blogging progress)
Check out this cool Panoramic View that I created. Warning, it is a big file (7MB)
Its that time of year again, and unfortunately it will be my last.
There's a new attraction in KL and I wish I could be there to experience it.
This is old news but since I don’t have my internet connection, I’m writing this from the archives of my picture folder.