
Surrender to one's little world. Where he transcends and shape greatness. This world is mine. You will not be compromised because you don't have to be. You are at Sean's Zone. I'm Z-ONE. Spread the word.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Keep Your Shirt On

Funny Story; it seems that the UK wants to pass a legislation for MEN to keep their shirts on! Yes, it seems that baring that fugly belly and disgusting droopy man-boobs is a threat to the eye's view. Read all about it here.

I know, I know... if it is only appropriate for women to leave their shirts on (or not) so it is only lawful that men too, leave their shirts on.

Can I say anything more than support this legislation after looking at this pic?!?!?!?!?!?!?! **runs to bathroom and puke**


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