Confession: Now I know what it is like. The constant uneasiness, being fidgety without it, and the crave for more. You can't sleep as you think about it and it is your main source of pleasure as your eyes roll up and your head nods continuously to any audio or visually stimulating colors and sound.
Ok, maybe the last part is abit exaggerated, but NO, I'm not taking drugs! In fact I've been addicted to

I didn't manage to watch the first season of the series as I couldn't find it anywhere. But I just finished season 2 and I thought it was the best series that got my attention so wildly. '24' is about the action scenes within the US government from secret agents to counter terrorist units that focus on, well, terrorists (foreign and domestic) that try to create chaos. The president of the US is surrounded by the most intelligent and resourceful body's like the CIA and military, only to be betrayed by them one after the other. But you see, that's not why it becomes so addictive. '24' is portrayed in REAL TIME!

Time management at its finest! I can't wait until I get to watch the third season. By the way, it took me 3 days to watch all the events that happened in one day... get it?!
YEAH this shit is worse then COKE man. Want your enemy down, why just send them 3 seasons of 24 and the dude will be long dead in home b4 the cops found out
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