
Surrender to one's little world. Where he transcends and shape greatness. This world is mine. You will not be compromised because you don't have to be. You are at Sean's Zone. I'm Z-ONE. Spread the word.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

All in a day's work

What a day! I had a phone interview in the morning; which means I need to wake up early to prepare for it. It went pretty well, except that I wished I didn't say a few things shouldn't be said. But that's normal I guess, and I hope the employer will take that as honesty and give me an advantage.

Wen't for my research meeting only to be told why I didn't do some parts of the project in the presentations and collection of data. *bummer*
I didn't know what to say except to agree with the professor. Even though I'm not getting paid and they should thank me for being so dedicated, I feel that every time I meet the professors I learn something new. It's not exciting and its not fun, but it is something I need to know in the real world. I need someone to knock some sense into me as I feel very meat-headed most of the times.

My iPod broke!!! Stupid iPod! I never really had a smooth experience ever since I got my iPod. The whole system is really lousy and the only reason why I got it (for free anyway) is because of its design and the compatibility to many other products. But that is as much as the iPod can function and in my opinion is an overated stylish product.

My OPT card has not arrived and I've been waiting for a billion years! I can't get paid or find a job if I don't get it sooner or later!

Chatted with Beth Shimkat after almost 1 year, my good ol' EE360 partner on MSN today. Missed her a bunch as she was always listening to my ramblings until I resorted to blogging my thoughts over here. *hehe*

AirAsia just bought another 40 Airbus A320 with an option for 30 more at the Farnborough Air Fair. This brings their purchase of this aircraft to 100 units with 7 of them already delivered, and 1-2 delivery(s) every month! AirAsia also plans to fly to southern China.
AirAsia, now everyone can fly!

Received approval for many of the rebates I submitted, therefore my financial stability is starting to get on-track. I have been transferring funds from bank to bank to take advantage of the best interest rates, and with the interests earned, it helps pay the bills!

I've been a mouse-potato (we have couch-potatoes and mouse-potatoes, didn't you know?!) and working out by jogging, swimming and sometimes going to the gym has made me feel more alive because of activity, and dead due to exhaustion. A double edged sword!

Forgive my rantings today, but I just needed to share my day with you.


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