UPM squabble
It is quite amazing how the chinese newspapers in Malaysia have the dirt on everything and published so freely. How I wish I could read chinese!
This time, a dicipline case in University Putera Malaysia (UPM) has raised media attention and mine.
You see, apparently politics are actually quite active in the university scene in the local universities. These students form their own councils that back up parties of the government.
Watch this video first...
In the video, the group of bullies making a ruckus (malays) are part of the 'Aspiration Group' who are pro-government. The victims, comprising of a minority chinese are part of the 'Student Progressive Front' that backs 'Keadilan' another political party but not in control; 'Barisan Nasional' is the current ruling party. The whole incident can be read following this link and my remaining post will focus on my opinion. It will be harshfully truthful and could sound racist, but it is an opinion backed by known facts (although not presented), so LEAVE if you don't have the guts and an open mind.

Ok, the malays now have all the help and backup all the way to the government, but when can they stand on their own? How are Malaysians going to be productive and more importantly competitive if this keeps up? We are looking at the risk of a falling society because what one thinks could be helpful is slowly going to backfire; heard of 'Spare the rod and you'll spoil the child'?
Ugh, I don't know what to say anymore, just watching that kind of monkey behavior (LITERALLY), saddens me.
I know it is a sad fact for the minorities to see unequal treatment by the government, not towards the poor and wealthy, the sick and healthy, nor the abled and disabled; but towards color of the skin! No doubt, it is a prevailing matter faced by governments all over the world.
But we could be better.

These are just cartoon stamps. Why just cartoon when it could be real?
AWESOME post...i couldn't agree more.
If you read the paper recently, najib in his speech said that malays should find more ways to get better hold of the economy....seems like more measures should be taken to help them.....wow...can't believe the dude just said that....CRAP! =)
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