
Surrender to one's little world. Where he transcends and shape greatness. This world is mine. You will not be compromised because you don't have to be. You are at Sean's Zone. I'm Z-ONE. Spread the word.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Summer Chronicles - Intro

Summer 2005 is over. What an adventure. You will be feasted on the highs and lows and the molding of a person. This flashback is based upon Journals written weekly throughout the summer as a report on sales and experiences during my stint as a 'Bookman', an attempt as a professional salesman selling Biblical material, Black History books and Educational sets. As you read through the journals, I will also comment and give my 5 cent view of what happened and could've happen. It's an autopsy.

Getting there was a challenge. It is what you learned that shapes you. An experience of realizing the impossibles, or rather hidden traits you already had but never discovered. Have you ever thought of the little issues that matter most? Matters that doesn't deserve to be brushed off your shoulders. I did it once, and still doing it again. But a nurturing power will always be there, to raise your keen senses. A power not to be revealed, but to be discovered. THESE are my discoveries. THIS is my story...

The next posts will be Journals from my summer internship. I was posted at my base in Greenwood, South Carolina. But I travelled everyday to my work-town; first in Due West, Calhoun Falls, Abeville, and Elberton. The trials and tribulations, simmered with joy and happiness as the finale truly was a wonderful but daunting experience. Read all about it.


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Saturday, September 17, 2005 7:53:00 PM  

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